Mosquito Repel

December 10, 2023 By Lizzy

I am trying a brew to repel mossies around my parent’s yard. They are vicious and active all day so it’s unpleasant and you have to use repellents to stay still outside which is a pity given it’s summer in Queensland.

I have cleaned up for all the still water in pot trays and damp areas as much as possible. Mosquitos breed in still water areas.

There is also water lying in gullies near the house (it’s been wet here). Clearly some imbalance in the local ecosystem. Unfortunately the local bat population is down (drought years, loss of habitat, agricultural sprays) and we need more dragonflys, frogs and spiders as they are great mosquito predators.

I made this video to show how easy it is to make the brew although I am not yet convinced it works!.

Stir up:

3 cups epsom salts

3 x 250 ml stale beer ( I used an old bottle of my brother’s home brew – thanks bro!)

minty mouthwash 750ml

[original recipe is in the video – apparently attributed to Paul Harvey who was a US radio host, the recipe has been circulating for over 20 years and there are sporadic videos and posts with it]

Spray or flick with a brush around entrances, sitting areas like decks or verandahs.

It’s meant to work but as I was mixing it as dusk in a fernery, I was being savaged by mossies. I will check out the impact tomorrow.

update – the very next day… both at morning and at dusk the verandah and fernery had no mossies bitting me while standing still!!.  The morning was windier so that may have been a factor.  A case study of one was positive!!

We also bought some helpful plants to rub the leaves; and citronella oil candles:

  • scented geraniums
  • lemongrass

Some other tips for repelling mossies  include:

  • Read Biome’s guide for plant scents and oils to use to repel mossies
  • A friend uses clove oil dabbed delicately on pulse points
  • As children we slept under mossie nets before the house was screened and air-conditioned. We also used mosquito coils which are not very safe chemicals to inhale.
  • Coffee grounds are perfect for killing mosquito eggs before they get a chance to hatch. Sprinkle coffee grounds in standing water and it’ll force the eggs to float to the top. This deprives the eggs of oxygen and ensures that the mosquitoes will die before being able to hatch. (source: the
  • a healthy population of mosquito predators in the local ecosystem (provide habitat, avoid sprays)
  • carnivorous plants.


I can confidently say this spray makes little difference (maybe beyond the day you apply).

Go to the source of breeding – still water, disturb leaf litter areas and prevent bites by the use of citronella, or stay inside screens.