Giving, gifting and meaningĀ 

June 11, 2022 By Lizzy

Giving, gifting and meaning – reflections over the year of my time and effort

Now that I have stopped for a bit to have a break and found time to think about it, I realised I have given many hours of unpaid work over the last year in various ways. Whether it is doing more than my paid hours in a job just because it needed to be done, I was enjoying the work, or the work held value to the recipients.

Other work is pro bono or donated time and skills.

I have offered my skills to various groups starting up with great ideas for community benefits and outcomes that will help us be resilient as a community. I also offer my body and effort to a community garden just because it’s fun and good for me too.

I also ‘transfer’ my paid work benefit (some of my income) to support others’ work such as through patreon, or tithed (regular) donations to some individuals doing interesting projects or charities.

What has this meant for me?

One of my goals a few years was to live more in my local community – by getting involved with local groups and ventures, I have achieved my goal.

Another reason was just to be involved in projects of hope, resilience and regeneration. While that has turned out to be quite different to what I had imagined (think in a pre-covid reality, working in tropical food forests and lots of fireside chats with interesting people around the world). Instead it’s been local, connecting and having fun imagining ‘what if this works’ and working out the ‘how do we do…’

How I keep track?

I like to keep an eye on my ‘real’ hourly rate to keep my work life in check so I also value my self care and family time. I find this prevents me feeling resentful when ‘yet another demand’ comes in from an employer or client. It’s not always easy for me to recognise the signs of this (apart from the cranky pants being worn more often) so the structure of regular check ins helps me – am I doing this for the love, impact, me or money or all?

My probono hours are tracked in either a start ups ‘at risk’ register and my own records (I use my diary). I don’t add the donated $ but that happens during tax return time! I appreciate that is privilege.

Why I have reflected on this?

If you are overworking a strength – in this example generosity – this might become draining for you over time.

It’s also good to check in if it is ‘ego’ or ‘eco’ driving your volunteer efforts. And ask: ‘ is this fun still? Am I working with people I’d want to be around now or in a pickle?’

I could have spent that time watching netflix, reading a book or at the gym! Instead I have made more friends, learnt so much about humans and how we interact in groups; organising, staying motivated and communicating to inspire action.

I have also built confidence in my own skills and abilities and what I enjoy and my tolerance limits. That confidence is important when your role in a group is not defined by authority or structure; the passion speaks loudly; and really no one knows how yet to do that thing except you and your group trying to make it work to achieve the common ‘vision’.

Basically I receive so much more than I could ever have to give.

#Reciprocity is magic.