
April 25, 2023 By Lizzy

Permaculture educator training 2023

Each day had its own challenge and surprise for how I interact with others.

How we affect, prompt and provoke each other towards a new greatness.

I felt drained at times. I was equally energised and educated.

I admired those who do this teaching gig for a job and I also saw their struggle to flex and adapt from a normative style to try new methods of delivery.

I saw support. I heard diversity. I noticed space being given when needed.

Mostly I saw love develop for the topic of permaculture. I saw respect and a realisation that we too could do this good thing in the world.


What I realised about a month later is how much confident I felt that I could run an education session (in my usual paid work as well as in permaculture) asking more open questions and being more strategic in how I delivered information without making assumptions about the audience (as much anyway).  Impact huge!! Many Thanks @hannahmaloney and @brennaquinlan and all the other participants and crew at the Food Forest SA Australia.